10 BREWS That Will Keep Beer Drinkers Arguing About Which Is The Strangest
The word "BEER" in English comes from the Latin word bibere, meaning "to drink".
The earliest evidence of beer production dates back to around 4,000 BCE in ancient Sumeria, where Sumerian tablets circa 4000 BCE. These tablets are said to include recipes for beer made from simple ingredients of barley, wheat, and other grains.
Archeologists even found ceramic vessels from around 3400 B.C. that are still coated with a sticky beer residue.
An 1800 B.C. ode to the Sumerian goddess of beer describes a recipe for an ancient brew. It is well documented that the Egyptians included beer as a large part of life in ancient Egypt, where breadmaking and beermaking used similar ingredients.
The Chinese were brewing booze around 7,000 B.C.
These are all good things that a bunch of friends can gather... and argue about, kinda like a game of football. While we're on the subject of drinking beer and arguing with friends (and/or strangers), let's take a look at what we believe to be the absolute weirdest beers in the world.

SNAKE VENOM - Beer that boasts a 67.5% ABV (Alcohol BY Volume)
Brewmeister Snake Venom is currently recognized as the strongest beer in the World. It is brewed in Moray (UK) from smoked, peated malt using two varieties of yeast, one beer and one Champagne. Snake Venom, a fortified Scottish beer, is the world's strongest beer, at 67.5% (since October 2013). Snake Venom has a sweet, nutty aroma, a fruity flavor, and a fiery, intense finish.
This beer is not for the faint-hearted. According to Brewmmeister, the final brew is a powerful, vicious, intensely flavored beer that should be treated more like a spirit concerning its consumption.

MIDTOWN DEW - Maybe not the last thing you would think to add to beer, but close
This is one that probably throws beer drinkers more than disgusts them. I don't know many brewmasters who are willing to compromise their products by adding a commercial soda. However, that didn't score New York City's Evil Twin, who delights in unusual brews like their Midtown. Dew. This particular brew is made with milk, sugar, and actual Mountain Dew Syrup; it’s loaded with nostalgia, lemon, lime, and tropical fruit flavors. Does it work, you'll have to give us your take. However, it certainly ranks as one of the weirdest beers in the world.

CELEST-JEWEL-ALE - Beer made with lunar meteorites, crushed into dust
Celest-jewel-ale is a limited-edition German-style Oktoberfest beer brewed by Dogfish Head. The process includes using crushed lunar meteorites. The beer was created to celebrate the harvest moon and fall equinox. Ingredients: Crushed lunar meteorites, German malts and hops, and Doggie yeast. Oh yeah, at the brewery Dogfish served the beer in koozies made from the fabric of astronaut suits.
Beer aficionados say this beer offers the taste of doughy malt, toasted bread, subtle caramel, light herbal bitterness, and very subtle yet complex earthiness.
Sounds fishy to us, but it made the list of Weirdest Beers in the World, or in this case, off of the planet.

GHOST FACE KILLAH - The Spiciest Beer in the World
Twisted Pine Ghost Face Killah is about as hot as beer as you will ever consume, that is, if you actually consume more than that first swallow. Touted as “the hottest beer this side of Hell,” Twisted Pine’s Ghost Face Killah uses six different types of peppers – including Anaheim, Fresno, Jalapeno, Serrano, and Habanero and the Bhut Jolokia / Ghost Pepper. For those who don’t know, the Ghost pepper is about 170 times hotter than a jalapeño and 8.5 times hotter than a habanero. Many would say that this is just another gimmick beer. Even if that's true, so what!? It certainly has garnered enough attention to make our list of weirdest beers. And from what many beer consumers say, they think it's a great alternative. All I know is after one sip, I'm not even using it in my chili!

Danish brewery Norrebro Bryghus doesn’t actually use urine in the brewing process, but the malt that goes into it their brews certainly has been soaked with urine. he craft brewery in Copenhagen collected over 10,000 gallons of urine from Denmark’s Roskilde Music Festival in 2015. Norrebro Bryghus refers to this as “beercycling,” where the collected urine was used to fertilize the barley fields instead of other fertilizers such as animal manure. Wonder what that field smelled like after the urine was applied? Now we know where the phrase, this beer tastes like piss, actually comes from.

ROGUE BEARD BEER - Beer made from the yeast grown from a guy's beard
We know this sounds like a sketch from Saturday Night Live or some other strange skit. However, it's a real thing. Oregon's Rogue Ales Beard Beer was made with yeast grown in head brewer John Maier's beard (now retired).
Someone apparently made a joke about Maier's face being the perfect place to grow yeast... and it gave the brewer a great idea! Okay, maybe not great, but it got him thinking in a very twisted way. As the story goes, after testing nine beard hairs, Maier found that the hypothesis was indeed a possibility. Why don't we all just take a seat and have another beer.

ROCKY MOUNTAIN OYSTER STOUT - Made with Bull Testicles
Okay, this is getting nuts! Wynkoop Brewing Company has really pushed the limits. They brew a rule-breaking and uniquely Indigenous foreign-style stout, made with Colorado base malts, roasted barley, seven specialty grains, “steering” golding hops... and something else. Oh yeah, freshly roasted Rocky Mountain oysters, or as the commoner might know them, bull testicles. Beer experts claim that this unique brew has deep flavors of chocolate, coffee, roasted grains, and nuts. Yes, nuts. Six balls per barrel.
If you think this is a bunch of bull, you're absolutely right. However, it is also absolutely true.

JOINT EFFORT BEER - Yes, it is brewed with hemp seeds
Redhook and Hilliard have produced another strange but not surprising beer that made our list of weirdest beers in the world. The beer is brewed with hemp seeds, as well as lots of hops. The brewery says the hemp imparts a nutty, earthy flavor. While hemp beers have been around for a while, what makes this one different is the bong-shaped tap handle. Okay, maybe we should have the weirdest beer bottles in the world.

UN, KONO KURO - Beer that is brewed with elephant crap
Yes, again, this is real beer. Is it drinkable? That depends on the consumer, but many people drank it while it was still available for beer drinkers (the company stopped making it several years ago). This stout is from Japan's Sankt Gallen Brewery. It's called Un, Kono Kuro, and brewed with coffee beans fed to elephants, and then it is "recovered" from their crap (they refer to it as "black ivory"). While this seems like a bit of a publicity stunt by some many consumers stated that it was exceptional beer. I'll sit this one out, thank you.

HVALUR - Beer made from whale testicles, smoked with sheep dung
Hvalur is a beer brewed by the Steðji Brewery in Iceland using whale testicles. Yes, whale testicles. The beer is brewed for the annual Thorri festival. The testicles of fin whales are cured, salted, and smoked using dried sheep dung, and one testicle is purportedly used in each brewing. The beer is filtered and pasteurized before bottling. Hvalur is controversial because it uses the testicles of an endangered species. We have nothing left to say.

10 Weirdest Beers in the World
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