The Scary Facts About Smoking
When we were younger, we had the mindset that nothing bad could really happen to us. Even if we thought that something could happen, we knew that we were young and that we had plenty of time to deal with it or change it. Once we get older, we feel like, if it were going to happen, it would have happened by now, and even if we don't believe that, we feel like it doesn't really matter anymore; what's done is done.
So why do we start smoking in the first place? There are really only two main reasons.
1. We want to stand out! We feel that smoking makes us look cool to others. Smoking advertisements have done an excellent job of that.
2. We want to fit in! Peer pressure.

Here Are The Real Statistics
While They Are Shocking, They're Not Enough To Make Most People Quit Smoking.
Smoking is a Major Health Risk that often Leads to Serious Diseases and Premature Death.
Smoking is Extremely Addictive and Expensive... yet that's Not Enough Motivation for Most People To Quit.
Things You Most Likely Didn't Know About Smoking

kills up to half of its users who don’t quit early enough,
kills more than 8 million people each year
kills an estimated 1.3 million non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke
Almost 1,200 Americans die from smoking... EVERY SINGLE DAY
is responsible for every 1 in 5 deaths in the United States
That's about the population of Miami, Florida or nearly the population of the entire state of Wyoming... THEY ALL DIE IN ONE YEAR!

are about twice as likely to die from cancer as non-smokers
are about three times as likely to die from heart attacks as non-smokers
nearly 1/2 of Heavy Smokers will die from a disease caused by smoking
who are male 40-50 years of age, are nine times more likely to die from heart than non-smokers
make up a startling 87% of all lung cancer deaths... needlessly
who are moms cause more than 2,500 infant deaths due to smoking

The tobacco industry spends almost 4 billion dollars per year to promote smoking, more than any other product.
Every day, more than American 3,000 children start smoking
A pack of cigarettes costs about 5¢ to produce yet sells for approximately $5.00 per pack
Eight of 10 people with emphysema are smokers
Cigarettes are also the leading cause of fire death in the USA.

Among 1,000 young men who smoke- 1 is murdered, 6 die in traffic accidents, and 250 will die from smoking-related diseases
Tobacco use kills more than twice as many people killed by AIDS, alcohol, motor vehicles, homicide, illegal drugs and suicide combined
Smoking damages nearly every organ in the body, including the lungs, heart, blood vessels, brain, and immune system.
Smoking increases the risk of impotence in men and infertility in women
Smoking damages teeth and gums
Smoking worsens existing medical conditions, such as diabetes and asthma.

Quitting is very difficult for most people. The first 3 days to a week is typically the hardest. The fact is, you can quit on your own, many people quit every single day, but everyone is different. If you don't feel you can quit without help, we've provided some options. Just call one of the numbers below or click on the links
CDC Helping Smokers Quit
National Cancer Institute Quitline at 877-448-7848
American Cancer Society Quitline at 800-227-2345
State programs - all 50 states 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)

Facts About Vaping
If you've stopped smoking and replaced it with vaping, GOOD FOR YOU! That proves that you are interested in quitting the most deadly habit known to our civilization. However, IS VAPING ANY BETTER THAN SMOKING CIGARETTES?
You were brave enough and/or strong enough to get this far... let's get all of the facts. Find out here!