Everyone should know by now that having a healthy heart is imperative for living a a longer, healthier life. Your heart is the source of all things in your bodies functionality and, to put it simply, keeps you alive. No matter what age you are or what condition your body is in now, it is never too late to start taking strides for better heart health so that your overall health can increase.
An unhealthy heart can lead to things such as Heart Attack, Stroke, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Heart Arrhythmias, Heart Failure, Heart Valve Disease, Pericardial Disease, Cardiomyopathy (Heart Muscle Disease) and Congenital Heart Disease. Each and every one of these things comes with their own technicalities, pain and even sometimes death. However, having a healthy heart can maximize things such as overall Energy, Weight Control, Lower Blood Pressure, a more positive Mood, higher levels of Endurance, Muscle Strength, less Stress and less Bodily Inflammation. All of these things lead to a more healthy life and typically a happier one as well.
There are several things that a person can do to increase their overall Heart Health, one of them being what you put into your mouth. The food that you ingest becomes a part of who you are and, as I’m sure you’ve heard the saying many times, “you are what you eat”, is more true than you may realize. Simply changing a small portion of your diet can enhance your Heart Health in the best ways.
Here is a list of the Healthiest Foods For Your Heart...

Yes, it's true (although almost too goo to be... eating Dark Chocolate (because it is rich in antioxidants) can actually lower your risk of Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke and Diabetes. However, because Chocolate has a lot of sugars, eating too much can result in other problems. Use dark chocolate as your example of eating in certain foods in moderation. This proves that some of the healthiest foods for your heart can actually be... AWESOME!

Zippy Quick Dark Chocolate Tip:
Add a few Dark Chocolate chips to your lunch!
Not only will it sweeten up your food but it is extremely healthy for your heart.

Avocados are a wonderful source of Monounsaturated Fats which are linked to reducing levels of Cholesterol and lowering your risk of Heart Disease. They are also rich in Potassium which helps decrease your Blood Pressure. This all adds up to making avocados another one of the healthiest foods for your heart.

Zippy Quick Avocado Tip:
Rather than covering your toast with loads of melted butter, try mashing up some avocado and spreading it on your bread. Feel free to add garlic and tomatoes onto your avocado toast as well as these things are excellent for your heart too.

Fatty fish (Mackerel, Sardines, Tuna, Salmon, etc) are packed with Omega-3 Fatty Acids in which protects your heart from developing Heart Disease. Eating these Fatty Fishes for a long period of time also lowers Cholesterol, Fasting Blood Sugars, Blood Triglycerides, etc. Fatty Fish and Fish Oil are certainly among the healthiest foods for you heart.

Zippy Quick Fatty Fish Tip:
Rather than eating just fish, try a lox bagel with smoked salmon on top. Not only is this a wonderful source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids but it is a delicious snack as well!

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) continues to get more and more good press when it comes to health. Olive oil is high in antioxidants and monounsaturated fats. It has been associated with lower blood pressure and heart disease risk. There have been several quality studies showing those who consume a daily serving of EVOO have a substantially lower risk of developing heart disease and a much lower risk of dying from heart disease.

Zippy Quick EVOO Tip:
Keep Extra Virgin Olive Oil Handy and use it as a topper on things like Bread, toast... even veggies instead of butter or unhealthy dips.

Whole Grains decrease the risk of Coronary Heart Disease up to 22% which are incredibly great numbers. Adding in an extra 1 to 2 servings of Whole Grains daily can highly prevent Hypertension in your heart.

Zippy Quick Whole Grain Tip:
Add a side of Quinoa or Brown Rice to your meals once a week to keep a healthy balance of Whole Grains.

You will find leafy green vegetables on virtually every legitimate list of the healthiest foods for your heart. Leafy Greens such as kale and spinach are rich in Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants and can promote proper blood clotting and protect your arteries. They can also lower Blood Pressure, improve your Blood Vessels and help with Arterial stiffness. These all add up to making green veggies a heart healthy food.

Zippy Quick Leafy Green Vegetable Tip:
When making homemade tacos or ordering from a restaurant, ask for Romaine Lettuce rather than a tortilla. This may sound like it won’t be as filling or tasty but it doesn’t change a thing! It is delicious, healthy and you won’t finish feeling like you overate.

It seems as if since the beginning of time, Garlic has been used as a natural remedy to treat a wide array of things including Heart Health. Studies have shown that by taking Garlic Extract in doses of 600-1,500 mg’s daily for nearly 25 weeks can be commonly just as effective as certain common prescription drugs for Blood Pressure. This is an extremely easy measure to take for your Heart and is also extremely delicious at the same time.

Zippy Quick Garlic Tip:
Roast a few handfuls of garlic in the oven on 400 degrees for about 30 minutes. This will leave the outside nice and crispy yet the inside flowing with soft textures and extreme flavor.

Walnuts are a wonderful source of Micronutrients and Fiber such as Magnesium, Manganese and Copper with will help protect your heart from forming disastrous Heart Diseases. All you need are a few servings a day and your health may improve drastically. Not only are Walnuts delicious but, they are indeed one of the healthiest foods for your heart.

Zippy Quick Walnut Tip:
Crush up a serving of Walnuts and put them on top of your ice cream rather than something like a syrup which is high in sugar and therefor bad for your overall health. Do the same thing on your salad (filled with leafy green veggies) instead of croutons. This adds texture but is much better for your heart health as well.

Almonds may very well be one of the best foods that you can consume for your hearts overall health. Almonds are jam packed with a long list of minerals and vitamins that are crucial to ones heart health, also being a great source of Monounsaturated Fats and Fibers that can fight Hearth Disease. They also have an extremely powerful effect on Cholesterol Levels.

Zippy Quick Almond Tip:
Roast a pound of Almonds in your over after covering them in Cinnamon. This can last you up to two weeks and is a tasty and healthy snack.

Tomatoes are another example of heart healthy foods. They are packed full of powerful antioxidants that neutralize inflammation which can result in Heart Disease. Tomatoes also lower your risk of High Blood Levels of Lycopene which are closely linked to Heart Attack and Stroke.

Zippy Quick Tomato Tip:
Grab a tomato once a week, wash it thoroughly for cleanliness and take a bite. As you uncover more and more of the tomato, sprinkle tiny bits of salt on it to give it some extra flavor! Just make sure that you don't use too much salt. Studies have proven that excess sodium intake increases blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and heart failure.

Hemp Seeds, Flaxseeds and Chia Seeds are all very good sources of Nutrients that your Heart needs to survive in a Healthy Manner. They include Fiber and Omega-3 Fatty Acids, just as Fatty Fishes do. Eating these kinds of seeds may reduce your risk of Inflammation, Blood Pressure, Triglycerides and bad Cholesterols.

Zippy Quick Seed Tip:
A spoonful of Peanut Butter topped with Flaxseeds will improve not only your energy levels but the happiness of your taste buds!

Studies have shown that Pinto Beans can reduce levels of Blood Triglycerides and LDL Cholesterols, which directly effects the heat. Beans in general have been found to reduce Blood Pressure and Inflammation which are both factors of Heart Disease. They may be small in size but they can make a mighty impact on your Heart Health!

Zippy Quick Bean Tip:
Instead of a side of potatoes choose a side of refried beans, black beans or pinto beans! When prepared without saturated fat or a lot of salt, beans are actually a a food that is heart healthy. These small steps lead to substantial health changes!

Being that they are rich in antioxidants, Berries are a great health beneficiary for your heart and combatting different Cardiovascular Diseases. Berries will improve the function of your Blood Vessel Cells, they will help control Blood Pressure and even help in controlling Blood Clots.

Zippy Quick Berry Tip:
Try dipping strawberries in dark chocolate and eating them for a snack. Both Strawberries and Dark Chocolate are Heart Healthy Foods. How about that for a twofer.

Olive Oil has been used worldwide for hundreds of years as a way to reduce Inflammation which reduces the risk of Heart Disease. EVOO is packed up of Antioxidants, Monounsaturated Fatty Acids and other great health benefits. A high intake of Extra Virgin Olive Oil can lower your risk of dying from Heart Disease up to 48%.

Zippy Quick Olive Oil Tip:
Rather than using butter as your “Non-Stick” cooking method on your stove top pans, use a few teaspoons to tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Not only can this make your food taste better but it will leave you with a healthier meal every time.

Edamame is full of Soy Isoflavones which helps in lowering Cholesterol in turn improving your Hearts Health. Edamame is linked in reducing the risk of Cardiovascular Disease and improving Blood Lipids.

Zippy Quick Edamame Tip:
Sprinkle Sea Salt on top of peeled or unpeeled edamame for a fun snack that everyone will enjoy.

Green Tea can actually help you burn fat which is a tremendous benefit for your Heart. It also improves your Insulin Sensitivity, prevents Cell Damage and reduces Inflammation. Studies show that Green Tea can increase Leptin and reduce bad Cholesterols. These are all things linked to lowering your Blood Pressure.

Zippy Quick Green Tea Tip:
Grab some Green Tea Mochi from your favorite grocery store rather than a vanilla or strawberry flavor. Not only is it refreshing but it leave a long-lasting delicious taste in your mouth.

We suggest that, like with most other issues of significance, you do the best research possible, consult with professionals (including medical professionals, dietitians and other experts in the field) and finally to apply common sense. This will enable you to take control of your own health by taking it into your own hands. Our hope is that this will lead to a more successful and healthier outcome for you and your family. This article is for educational purposes only. You should consult a healthcare professional, dietitian or nutritionist for medical or health related issues.