British Slang

Converting Everyday English to Something Much More Fun & Useful...At Least When You Go To England.


Next time you cross the pond to visit jolly old England, make sure you have your slang down!

Without trying to be downright gobby, many tossers will drop a clanger simply because they won’t take a quick peek at our little tutoring below.

Later, those same daft cows simply can’t chin wag with the Brits for a bit; instead, they sit there with a crusty dragon, totally gormless.

So don’t be cheeky now; take a gander at what we’ve offered you- otherwise, you might be snookered yourself… and Bob’s your uncle.


Now bugger off!

Aggro: Someone who is very aggressive or gets in someone’s face.

Any road: Any way

Are you having a laugh?: Statement of incredulity – “You’ve got to be kidding!”

Argy-bargy: Quarrelsome or arguing

Arse: One’s backside/buttocks

Arsed: To be bothered with something – “I can’t be arsed to go to church because I've too much to do today."

Baccy: Tobacco


Balls-up: Something has gone wrong or did not go according to plan

Barmy: Crazy, insane – derogatory

Biggie: Children’s term for feces

Biggie: A male erection

Bimble: A slow or casual walk

Biscuit arsed: Dirty or filthy – “She walked in the front door all biscuit arsed.”

Bits ‘n Bobs: A little of this and a little of that


Bob’s your uncle!: "That’s that." or "There you go!" or "That's the end of that."

Bog: Toilet or restroom

Bog roll: Toilet paper

Bollocks: Nonsense or untrue: or lacking in value

Bollocks: Testicles

Bugger off!: “Go away!” or “Leave me alone!” Bugger, used on its own, is similar to American slang using the “F” word.

Buggered: Worn out, broken, ruined


Catching flies: To sit with one’s mouth hanging open

Chav: An ignorant, trashy, lower-class person.

Cheeky: Disrespectful of something; or to have a flippant attitude – “Did you just wink at that old lady? You cheeky monkey!”

Chin-wag: A chat or brief conversation

Chuffed: To be pleased or delighted with something or someone

Clanger: A mistake

Cock up: Make a mess of something – “He really cocked up his friendship when he admitted he shagged his mate's wife.”

You’re a bit squiffy, so it’s time to get on your bike or I might just nut ya right here!

Collywobbles: Nervousness; butterflies in the stomach or queasiness brought on by stress, nervousness or anxiety

Crease up: To laugh very hard (so one’s face creases up)

Crumpet: Someone who is hot or sexually desirable person

Crusty Dragon: Snot or booger

Daft Cow: Someone who is very dense

Dodgy: Suspicious or dubious. “I ate a dodgy curry last night and now my stomach’s off.”

Dogsbody: Someone who takes care of most tasks, especially menial ones


Dog’s Bollocks: Very good, great, favorable

Dog’s Dinner: All dressed up or looking dapper

Donkey’s Years: A long period of time

Drop a clanger: To make an obvious mistake or terrible faux pas

Dull as dishwater: Extremely, horribly boring or plain

Ear-bashing: A severe reprimand or lecture for doing something wrong

Fagged: To be disturbed, bothered or interrupted – “I’m in the middle of something important and I can't be fagged right now.”

Fall arse over tit: To take an embarrassing fall or to stumble and fall

Fanny: A vagina

Fit: Someone who is hot, sexually desirable

Full Monty: To go big or going all the way – "I started this journey and I’m giving it the full Monty!"

Gammy: To have an injured body part or something that is in pain – “He’s had a gammy leg ever since he fell off that horse.”

Get stuffed!: An angry rebuke; beat it, scram! Similar to American slang – go “F” yourself!

Giddy kipper: An overly excitable person

Ginger: A red-haired person

Git: Someone who is contemptible or foolish
Gobby: Being loudly opinionated, offensive, outspoken

Gobsmacked: Stunned, blown away, amazed or awed by something

Gormless: Someone who's clueless – "She’s been with that wazzock for long enough now, she’s gormless."

Grotty: Unpleasant, disgraceful or disgusting

Gutted: Devastated –“She was gutted after her boyfriend left her for her nephew.”

Have a butcher’s: To take a close look at, or to investigate something or someone

If you think I’ll be pullin you another pint, you’re round the bend!

Her Majesty’s Pleasure: Being incarcerated or put in prison

How’s Your Father?: Euphemism for sex as in “Have you and your wife had any lately?"

I’m Off To Bedfordshire!: "I'm going to bed."

It’s Monkeys Outside!: “Wow, it’s very cold outside!”

Jammy: Feeling lucky
John Thomas: A penis

Knackered: To be exhausted or extremely tired

Knees Up: A mixer or a dance party- "I went to this wild knees up the other night."

Legless: To be drunk, hammered or totally intoxicated

Liquid lunch: To drink alcohol for lunch rather than eat food

Lost the plot: To go crazy or lose one’s mind – “My boyfriend says he’s going out on the town tonight. He’s lost the plot if that’s what he thinks”

Lurgy: To be sick or under the weather or other illness that makes you feel terrible

Mad as a bag of ferrets: Utterly and completely insane or crazy

Made Redundant: To be fired or let go from one’s position

Manky: Disgusting or rotten – “The chicken you left on the counter for a week has gone manky.”

Miffed: To be irked, displeased or bothered

Minted: Wealthy or extremely rich

Moggy: A cat

Muck up: To ruin something or in American slang to screw it up

Mug: Someone who is gullible
Murder: To devour something – “I could murder a sandwich right now.”

Naff: Out of style, unfashionable, dated or obsolete

Nethers: Genitals

Nut Ya: Lose your cool with someone or even head butt them.
Off One’s Trolley: To be crazy or out of one’s mind

On The Piss: Binge drinking solely to get totally intoxicated

On The Pull: In search of or looking for sexual intercourse

On Your Bike: A rude way to insist that someone should leave intercoursePants: Something that is rubbish, horrible or awful – “She said the film was pants, but I rather liked it.”

Pavement Pizza: To puke or vomit

Peckish: Somewhat hungry

Peevish: To be ill-tempered, petulant or sullen

Pip pip!: A term used to say goodbye

For the Love of England, you twits, mugs and gits have me shattered!

Plonk: A poor quality or very cheap wine

Ponce: A poser

Porkies: Lies – "He’s been sitting there telling porkies for hours."

Prat: An idiot

Puff: Flatulence or passing gas
Pullin a Pint: Pouring a beer from a tap

Round The Bend: Someone is acting crazy or mentally unstable. Rubbish: To be very bad or terrible at something – “I’m totally rubbish at math—can’t even add.”

Rumpy-Pumpy: Euphemism for sexual intercourse

Sad arse: A pathetic person

Sausage fest: An event that has a disproportionate number of males to females… such as a comic convention

See a man about a dog: An excuse for leaving to hide one’s destination; also used to excuse oneself to have a bowel movement

Shambolic: To be in a total state of chaos or disarray

Shirty: To be ill-tempered or insolent

Shag: Sexual intercourse

Shattered: Worn out or exhausted

Shufflebutt: A restless or fidgety person

Skive: A lazy or useless person

Slag: A despicable person; possibly a promiscuous one

Slap And Tickle: Making out or heavy petting

Slapper: A promiscuous female

Spend A Penny: To use the restroom

Smarmy: Creepy, shady or sleazy

Smashing: An exclamation describing brilliant, fantastic or wonderful

Snog: To make out or fool around sexually

Snookered: To be defeated, upset or thwarted. To be in a bad situation (American slang: to be totally screwed)

Sod it: To quit, give up or surrender – “I’ll never understand her. Sod it, let’s go to the pub.”

Sprog: A child or kid

Squiffy: Starting to get drunkStarkers: Stark naked

Stonker: A male erection

Strawberry Creams: Hunger-inducing term for a woman’s breasts

Sweet Fanny Adams: Little to nothing at all – “I thought I had a chance with her, but I ended up with Sweet Fanny Adams”

Swot: To study hard or educate oneself
Taking the Piss: Messing around or screwing around

Throw a spanner in the works: To make a mistake or screw something up

Tickety-Boo: Everything’s going great – “It’s all tickety-boo in my world.”

Todger: A penis

Tosh: Total lies, exaggerations (American slang: BS)

Tosser: A despicable idiot

Twig And Berries: Male genitalia, the penis and testicles

Twit: someone who is foolish
Twee: To be very dainty, delicate, cute, or quaint – “That little sprog is utterly twee.”

Up The Duff: Pregnant

Who blew off?: "Who passed gas?”

Wacky baccy: Marijuana

Wazzock: Imbecile or idiot

Wonky: To be unstable –“The table leg’s a bit wonky.”

and Bob's your uncle!

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