3. Get Your Worm
They say that the early bird gets the worm…
well what are you waiting for?
I’m not suggesting that you start getting up before sunrise during your stay. I’m suggesting that you get things going early to start your vacation. First get to bed early the night before. Why not, you’re already packed, you’ve done your last minute shopping (ahead of time), you’ve checked your itinerary and you’re already to go. No need to stay up until wee hours in the morning, stuffing those suitcases; or stressing over what you might have forgotten. You’re already done because you are Pre-Prepared! Good for you. Now, get some sleep so that you can rise and shine early enough to start the first day of your vacation the right way.
Now, let’s get some breakfast, or at least some coffee and do it casually. Relax, sip your coffee, review your plans and your items (just to make sure) and now you can be leisure as you get ready to partake in some serious relaxation and enjoyment.
Now through your bag in the car, and get to the airport early because you already know that when it comes to airlines, airports and security issues, you can only count on one thing… that is that you can’t count on anything. But no sweat, you’ll arrive early enough to get through what you need to get through without all (at least most) of the drama… because you’re early.
If all goes well you will arrive at your destination rested, relaxed and ready for that well deserved vacation. If all does not go according to plan at least you will be a little more calm and well rested and pretty much ready for anything.