20 Fruits & Berries That Can Help Make It Happen
Fruits and berries are essential because they provide antioxidants, vitamins, fiber and other healthy elements. These vital nutrients and elements are believed to provide significant health benefits including: helping to control blood pressure, reducing the risk of strokes, aiding in a healthier heart, preventing cancers and controlling diabetes.
Furthermore, many industry experts believe that different fruits and berries can facilitate bone growth, prevent hair loss, aid in reducing wrinkles and assist in keeping skin young and vibrant. What makes fruits and berries even more appealing is that they also taste great and require very little to no preparation.
Best of all, fruits and berries are typically much less expensive than pharmaceuticals and seldom have the dangerous side effects.
If your goal is to live longer, feel better and look better... this information is for you!
We suggest that, like with most other issues of significance, you do the best research possible, consult with professionals (including medical professionals, dietitians and other experts in the field) and finally apply common sense. This will enable you to take control of your own health by taking it into your own hands. Our hope is that this will lead to a more successful and healthier outcome for you and your family.
This article is for educational purposes only. You should consult a healthcare professional, dietitian or nutritionist for medical or health-related issues.
The Most Powerful and Healthiest Fruits & Berries on the Planet!
Live Longer, Feel Better, Look Better

Some nutritionists refer to apples as the perfect fruit. They are high in fiber and vitamin C. Plus they are loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients (which may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease). Apples have substance so they fill you up without overloading you with calories. In addition, due to the wide variety or types of apples (most types taste different from one another) you are likely to find one to suit almost anyone’s taste.
Reduce the risk of cancer
Control high blood pressure
Help prevent or control diabetes
Assist in reducing heart disease

Zippy Quick Apple Tip:
Instead of skipping lunch, slice an apple and spread a little peanut butter on it. Peanut butter is nutritious, filling and delivers much needed protein. Add that to the vitamins and antioxidants in an apple and you have a healthy little lunch which is quick and easy.

Gently sweet in its fresh form (dried apricots are also healthy) apricots have a unique taste but offer substantial nutritional benefits. Studies have shown that the antioxidant capabilities in apricots are associated with vigorous skin and mucus membranes. They have also shown to protect against lung and mouth cancers… and fighting infections. Age-related debilities prevention is considered another advantage of this beautiful fruit.
Help fight infections
Help prevent age-related debilities

Zippy Quick Apricot Tip:
Make an apricot glaze and use it on pork and chicken. It will add a zing to your dish that you won’t believe.

Yes, they are fruits. Avocados are loaded with very healthy fats (and yes there is such a thing), high in fiber, potassium and vitamin C. Here are some major advantages of avocados:They are extremely high in nutrition. They offer a wide variety of nutrients, including 20 different vitamins and minerals.Avocados contain more potassium than bananas (Several studies show that having a high potassium intake is linked to reduced blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure). Avocados are loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. The majority of fat in an avocado is oleic acid (also the major healthy component in olive oil).Oleic acid has been linked to reduced inflammation and been shown to have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer.Avocados are loaded up with fiber which is vital for many body functions. Consumption of these unique fruits can lower cholesterol levels significantly and reduce blood triglycerides One avocado delivers more than half the fiber and 40 percent of the folate you need daily, which may reduce your risk of heart disease.
Reduce high blood pressure
Lower cholesterol levels
Reduce heart disease
Help prevent cramping

Zippy Quick Avacado Tip:
Adding avocado to salads can increase the absorption of key nutrients like beta-carotene by over 300%. Add some avocado to your smoothies… you will be surprised at how delicious and versatile they can be.

These are a quick and easy fruit (technically they are classified as an herb). Bananas (like apples) are the perfect snack food. Good source of vitamin B6 and high in fiber. Bananas a great source of potassium. Bananas are good for bowel regularity and satiety. Experts say that bananas can help you control your weight, keep your bowels healthy and regulate heart rhythm. They also have vitamin compounds that are good for eye health. Finally they increase dopamine levels, norepinephrine and serotonin (brain chemicals that counter depression). There is yet no medical evidence to substantiate it today, but due to the dopamine, bananas might just help Parkinson’s patients who desperately need this chemical.
Keep bowels regulated
Help regulare heart rhythm
Improve vision
Fight against depression

Zippy Quick Bananas Tip:
Need breakfast on the run? Grab a banana; cut it in half (longwise) and spread your favorite nut butter smack dab down the middle. It will give you a quick boost, a nice shot of potassium and some great protein.

Considered by some dietitians to be the best fruit on the planet these little guys are filled with vitamins (A, C, E, K and B vitamins), potassium, omega 3s, fiber and antioxidants. While some people don’t find them quite as tasty as strawberries or red raspberries, they certainly hold their own on the health benefits side. Health benefits of the black raspberry are believed by many health experts to include: better digestive health, strengthened immune defense, a healthier functioning heart, and even prevention of cancer. Many also stress that blackberries provides cognitive benefits and aid in enhancing memory, weight management, bone strength, healthy skin and improved vision. Wow, give me a handful right now!
Improve Digestion
Strengthen the immune system
Improve heart health
Enhance memory
Assist in weight loss or weight control
Improve skin
Improve bone strength

Zippy Quick Black Raspberries Tip:
If you’re going to have ice cream, make it vanilla. Scoop in half of what you normally would and make up the difference with black raspberries. Top it off with walnuts, pecans or slivered almonds. You will save yourself some calories and be eating better. Plus you won’t believe how good it is. Red raspberries, blueberries and strawberries work just as well. If you are serious about getting healthier and/or losing weight add some apples, bananas, kiwi, peaches... even less ice cream. Pretty soon you’ll enjoy the fruit as much (or more) than the ice cream.

Often considered a “Superfood,” blueberries are popular (and healthy) for many reasons. Blueberries provide one of the highest sources of antioxidants of any fruit, berry or vegetable. They are unexpectedly low in calories yet extremely nutritious. In fact, they are considered the “King” of antioxidants (they are believed to contain the highest antioxidant capacity of any commonly consumed fruit, berry and/or vegetable). Here is probably the most interesting and potentially healthy aspect of blueberries: they are believed to reduce DNA damage, which is one of the major reasons that we grow old. They are also believed to significantly help reduce the risk of cancer. Having said all that, I recommend you consider growing a couple of blueberry bushes! Just kidding… maybe I’m not kidding.
Help prevent cancer
Reduce DNA damage
Ward off various diseases
Improve heart health
Lower Cholesterol
Protect eye retina
Improve cognitive functions (including memory)
Positive impact on blood sugar

Zippy Quick Blueberries Tip:
Add blueberries to your cereal, oatmeal or yogurt (preferably Greek yogurt) for an antioxidant boost and some extraordinary flavor.

This delectable melon is certainly rich with flavor and at the same time very low in calories (100 grams has only 34 calories). It is also rich in vitamins and compounds that are necessary for optimal health. This fragrant fruit is an excellent source of vitamin A (a powerful antioxidant). It is also rich in antioxidant flavonoids (believed to protect against various forms of cancer) which help to protect cells from oxygen-free radicals. Even though cantaloupes (also known as muskmelons) are relatively low in their concentration of certain nutrients in comparison to other fruits, they still provide us with important amounts because we tend to consume them in larger serving sizes than other fruits.
Protect cells
Protect against age-related macular degeneration
Reduce the risk of developing asthma
Help decrease blood pressure
Protect against prostate cancer
Prevent dehydration
Helps prevent constipation

Zippy Quick Cantaloupe Tip:
If you want to lose a few extra calories but also feel the need for nutrition, don’t fast. Instead, make half a cantaloupe your dinner. For a little extra oomph add some cottage cheese to the mix. This is a fairly low-calorie, low-fat way of having a dinner that delivers plenty of vitamins, a substantial serving of protein and a fair amount of calcium.

Sweet cherries have a relatively low glycemic index (lower than most other fruits). This makes them a better choice of a fruit snack (especially for diabetics). But cherries have many other benefits; experts believe cherries (at least tart cherries) can help you sleep, help to prevent gout, help you lose or prevent you from gaining belly fat and even may reduce the risk of stroke (among other health-related benefits. Many consumers swear that tart cherry juice is a cure for gout and assists in eliminating urinary tract infections and assist in reducing kidney infections. Now isn’t that just cherry?
Prevent insomnia
Fight gout
Soothe muscle and joint pain
Prevent or help lose belly fat
Reduce risk of strokes
May fight urinary tract infections

Zippy Quick Cherries Tip:
Take a small bag of cherries to the office, to school or keep them around the house. Make them somewhat easy to get to. Next time you get a “bad snack” urge, replace that candy bar with a handful of cherries. You’ll save a ton of calories and reap the benefits of this delicious and healthy food. If you’re missing the crunch of a candy bar or energy bar, throw in a handful of pecans, walnuts or almonds. You won’t want another bite of that Kit-Kat bar ever again!

Cranberries are becoming more and more popular due to the increased awareness of their health benefits. It is widely believed (by experts and consumers) that the possible health benefits of consuming cranberries can assist in quickly clearing up urinary tract infections. They may also prevent certain types of cancer; improve the immune system and decreased blood pressure. If that’s not enough consider this- one-half a cup of cranberries contains only 25 calories!
Prevent certain cancers
Fight and clear up urinary tract infections
Improve immune system
Lower blood pressure

Zippy Quick Cranberries Tip:
Try real cranberry juice (read the ingredients carefully) next time you have a urinary tract infection. It may help and it can’t hurt.
NOTE : Beware of cranberry “juices” filled with sugars and high fructose. Many juices have little or no fruit at all.

Grapefruit delivers a powerful nutrient combination of fiber, potassium, lycopene, vitamin C and choline. Some experts believe this contributes to maintaining a healthy heart. Grapefruits are high in fiber and low in calories, and they contain bioflavonoids and other plant chemicals that protect against serious diseases like cancer and the formation of tumors. Grapefruit has effectively been included in diets to help people lose and/or control weight.
Assist in maintaining a healthy heart
Protect against serious diseases including cancer
Protect against the formation of tumors
Assist in weight control and or weight loss

Zippy Quick Grapefruit Tip:
Many people cannot resist the urge to pour a 5 lb. bag of sugar on their half serving of grapefruit (so much for healthy eating). Instead, if you want to sweeten it up, we suggest you add a little honey. Perfection!

This tasty fruit is a “super fruit” when it comes to health benefits. Again packed with vitamins and other “good” stuff it is easy to digest and while offering healthy advantages. Not as popular in the U.S. (yet) but more and more Americans are consuming it every day for many reasons including the fact that it packs a powerhouse of nutrients. The guava fruit is extremely rich in vitamin C, lycopene and antioxidants (one of the key aspects that make guavas very beneficial for better skin. Guavas are also rich in manganese… plus they contain folate, which helps promote fertility. Furthermore the potassium rich guavas (they contain almost the same as a banana) help normalize blood pressure levels as well.
Promote fertility
Normalize or control blood pressure
Boost immunity
Lower risk of cancer
Assist in heart health
Treats constipation
Improves eye health
Reduce toothache pain
Reduces stress
Stimulates cognitive functions
Assists in weight loss
Helps reduce coughs
Improves complexion and skin texture
Fights wrinkles
Combats cramps

Zippy Quick Guava Tip:
Guava fruit has approximately 5 x the vitamin C as an orange and 70 x the fiber. Rich in vitamins calcium, copper, folate, potassium, iron, magnesium and more, guavas are the perfect fruit for delectable and exceptionally healthy smoothies. We recommend that you take the outside fruit from the guava (get rid of the seeds because they do not blend well at all), add about 1 cup of cubed pineapple, 1 small banana, ½ teaspoon of fresh ginger two cups of fresh spinach (or a small avocado) and 8-10 ounces of filtered water. This smoothie is not only healthy… it’s downright delicious!

Ounce for ounce Kiwifruit (which is technically a berry) is an excellent source of vitamin C (it actually delivers more than an orange). The kiwi also delivers vitamins E and K. It’s also a very good source of copper and dietary fiber. Kiwifruit also contains potassium, folate, and manganese. Basically speaking the kiwi is high in nutrients and low in calories. Possible health benefits of consuming kiwis include maintaining/reducing blood pressure and preventing heart disease and/or possibly stroke. Kiwis are also considered good for maintaining healthy skin, healthy hair and nails.
Protects against asthma
Fights macular degeneration
Improves cardiovascular health
Beautifies skin
Fights insomnia
Lowers blood pressure
Prevents constipation

Zippy Quick Kiwi Tip:
If you are serving crackers (especially if you’re also serving cheeses) as snacks or hors’ devours add some kiwi to the mix. They add a surprising flavor to the mix and it will help reduce your intake of calories and some of the bad stuff. Use fruits as fillers whenever possible to help take the place of foods that are not as healthy.

Rarely consumed as a stand-alone fruit but delicious when used in combination with herbs and spices, salad dressings, marinades, sauces, drinks and desserts. Lemons are of course an excellent source of powerful antioxidants and vitamin C. In fact, one lemon delivers more than 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Lemons and their juice are also believed to help fight the formation of free radicals (which is known to cause cancer). Lemons may help increase "good" HDL cholesterol levels and strengthen bones. Citrus flavonoids found in lemons may help inhibit the growth of cancer cells and act as an anti-inflammatory.
Lowers risk of stroke
Strengthens bones
Combats cancer
Improves/maintanes healthy complexions
Prevents asthma
Boosts immune system
Fights diabetes
Improves cardiovascular health

Zippy Quick Lemon Tip:
Add a slice of lemon to your green tea. Citrus is believed to increases your body's ability to substantially absorb the antioxidants in the tea. Always ask for lemon for your water when you order from a restaurant. Also, get used to squeezing some into your glass of water at home. These are great habits to get into. NOTE: Lemons, when eaten in their natural form or applied topically, may help fight skin damage caused by the sun and pollution, reduce wrinkles and improve overall skin texture.

Oranges have a reputation for being a great source of vitamin C, but they are also high in fiber and have an abundance of antioxidants. Dietitians and healthcare experts say that the health benefits of oranges include: They help to prevent cancer (they’re rich in citrus limonoids, proven to help fight a number of varieties of cancer including that of the skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon) They may assist in the prevention of kidney disease and reduce the risk of kidney stones They are thought to reduce the risk of liver cancer (this may be due in part to vitamin A compounds known as carotenoids) Oranges lower cholesterol (since they’re full of soluble fiber) Because they are full of potassium (an electrolyte mineral responsible for helping the heart function properly) oranges may help keep your heart healthy by assisting it to beat properly. This may very well help people with an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) Oranges are full of vitamin C (which protects cells by neutralizing free radicals which can cause chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease). Oranges are good for your skin because they are chock-full of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant. This helps to protect the cells from being damaged and also protects the skin from free radicals which inevitably prevents the signs of aging. Oranges also alkalize your body. Even though they are acidic prior to digestion they contain several alkaline minerals that help balance your ph after digestion (similar to lemons). Some industry leaders believe that this certainly helps reduce your risk of cancer.
Helps fight cancer
Improves heart health
Lowers blood pressure
Fights skin damage

Zippy Quick Orange Tip:
Use the zest of your orange (or tangerine, lemon or lime) to spice up foods including vegetables, drinks and desserts. Add orange slices to your water and to tea when possible. You get the added benefits of the fruit as well as the great taste to complement your drink. Note: Consuming orange juice (or other fruit juices) does not usually deliver the healthy benefits you have been promised that it would, and in fact, it may be doing more harm than good. Most of the juices available at your supermarket today are filled with sugars. Even the higher quality juices are processed and afterward “flavor packs” are added back into the product in an attempt to make the consumer believe they are natural (this is even true when the labels read 100% pure fruit or not from concentrate). Your best bet by far is to squeeze the juice yourself or just eat fruits in their natural form.

Peaches are the favorite fruit/snack for many. This sweet and juicy fruit is a moderate source of antioxidants and vitamins but is rich in vital minerals (potassium, fluoride and iron). They are considered good for your heart and your blood pressure and are no doubt a great addition to your diet. Now that really is peachy!
Promotes healthy cardiovascular health
Helps reduce chances of diabetes
Helps prevent cancer
Decreases risk of/progression of age-related macular degeneration

Zippy Quick Peach Tip:
Peaches are the perfect food to add to salsa for a totally unique and delectable taste. They can also be squeezed on fish (as a substitute for lemons) which also delivers a wonderful flavor.

Pineapples might surprise you when it comes to healthy fruit. Many people believe (falsely) that pineapples are not really that good for you because they are filled with sugars. So it’s not surprising to find that they do contain sugar (about 16 grams per cup which is well less than most people think). However, for all of that sweetness, one cup of pineapple contains only 82 calories. Plus they’re fat-free, cholesterol-free, and very low in sodium. In addition, pineapples carry a wealth of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, including potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, beta carotene, thiamin and B6 (as well as other healthy stuff that makes them great). Pineapples have many of the healthy benefits of several other fruits including helping to prevent asthma, the support of a healthier heart, assisting in fighting skin damage and improved fertility. It also is believed to reduce inflammation and increase healing.
Helps prevent asthma
Supports healthier cardiovascular health
Fights skin damage
Improves fertility
Reduces inflammation
Fights free radicals (known to cause cancer)
Prevents constipation

Zippy Quick Pineapple Tip:
Pineapples are a perfect replacement for sugar when making dressings and sauces. The natural juices of the pineapple will sweeten your recipes while delivering more good stuff and less bad.

This nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich fruit has been revered as a symbol of health, fertility and eternal life. It is one of the oldest known fruits… an original native of Persia. A compound found only in pomegranates, called punicalagin, is thought to lower cholesterol and to lower blood pressure. What’s more, pomegranate is considered by some industry experts in skin care and hair as a prevention and even cure for hair loss. I’m adding it to my diet for sure.
Lowers blood pressure
Lowers cholesterol
Helps prevent hair loss
Reduces inflammation (a leading driver in many life-threatening diseases)
May inhibit cancer cell growth in prostate cancer
Helps fight breast cancer
Fights arthritis and joint pain
Fights bacterial and fungal infections
May reduce symptoms of erectile dysfunction

Zippy Quick Pomegranate Tip:
People struggle with deseeding a pomegranate but it’s actually very simple. Simply cut the fruit in half, ply the edges all around the fruit by pulling the edges down while you put pressure on the outside center. You don’t have to overdo it, you're simply loosening up the fruit’s meat so the seeds will fall out easier. Now hold the fruit upside-down over a bowl (with the inside facing down) and smack that baby on the butt with a wooden spoon. The seeds fall out in seconds and presto, you’re enjoying one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

Red Raspberries (nature’s candy) contain strong antioxidants such as Vitamin C, quercetin and gallic acid. It is believed that these are ingredients that fight against cancer, heart and circulatory disease and age-related decline. These delicious berries are also considered great for digestion, detox and disease prevention. Raspberries are believed to be a strong cancer-fighting food by many nutritionists and healthcare experts. Also, like many high-fiber foods, raspberries can be a useful food for diabetes management because they help to keep blood sugar stable. Like their cousins (strawberries) these delicious little berries are perfect as a snack, in salads, desserts and with other fruits.
Improves memory
Suppresses inflammation
Reduces blood pressure
Reduces risk of heart attacks
Inhibits tumor growth
Wards off or slows cancer
Stabilizes blood sugar
Prevents constipation

Zippy Quick Red Raspberries Tip:
On the run? Throw a small handful of raspberries into a blender, add your favorite milk (almond milk, skim milk, coconut milk, it doesn’t matter), churn that baby up and BAM; you have a delicious flavored milk packed with nutrients that will get you going and keep you going. This is a very healthy snack anytime - day or night.

Low in carbs and calories but loaded up with manganese and fiber. Strawberries are believed to boost immunity, strengthen vision, reduce wrinkles, and fight bad cholesterol. In addition, strawberries are also thought to reduce inflammation, regulate blood pressure and even help fight cancer. Finally these little gems are also considered one of America’s favorite treats because the taste delicious! So add them to your diet and start getting healthier now.
Boosts immune system
Reduces inflammation
Strengthens vision
Fights bad cholesterol
Reduces wrinkles
Regulates blood sugar
Helps fight cancer

Zippy Quick Strawberries Tip:
Strawberries are easy to grow and once they start they grow like wildfire. There are three basic ways to grow your own strawberries and two major benefits (first it’s much cheaper to grow your own and second you can grow them without using chemicals or pesticides). The 3 basic ways are as follows: In pots (perfect if you are limited with space or live in an apartment or any other area without much yard), in the ground (if you have a yard that is somewhat private and enough space to grow food, though you won’t need a lot for strawberries) and finally in raised beds (which is perfect for drainage and for protecting them from the heat as well as varmints). For a quick and easy guide to growing strawberries just click here.

While they are mostly water (over 90%), they are indeed “the” refreshing summertime fruit. They may not be the #1 healthiest fruit on our list but watermelons are certainly healthy for you. Watermelons are running over with healthy nutrients and are filled with significant levels of vitamins (A, B6 and C), lycopene, antioxidants and amino acids. They even deliver a little potassium. Overall, watermelons help with digestive issues, inflammation, muscle fatigue/soreness and hydration. No wonder we love them!
Hydrates the body
Improves digestive issues
Fights inflammation
Fights muscle fatigue
Relieves some muscle soreness

Zippy Quick Watermelon Tip:
Many people have a problem choosing the right watermelon. The traditional method of tapping may work for some people but let’s agree it is pretty subjective. Instead, try this method: First, Observe it- it should be firm and free of substantial bruising and scarring. It should also be dark green in color if you expect it to be ripe. Second, pick a watermelon that is relatively heavy for its size. Water is heavy; you want a melon with lots of water because the ripest watermelons have the most water. Finally, inspect the bottom of the melon. A ripe watermelon will have a tan/yellow area (called a ground spot) on the bottom. This is where the melon sat while it soaked up the sun. If this spot is white or green your melon may have been picked too early and may not ripen properly.
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