Dan O'Day Dance
Take More Chances. Dance More Dances.
If you live anywhere in the Michiana area (northern Indiana/southwest Michigan) you've likely heard the name Dan O'Day... especially when it comes to dance. In fact, Dan O'Day and dance/dance lessons/dance studios are all more or less synonymous in the Michiana area.
Dan, who is now in his early 80's acts, thinks, and dances like a man many, many years younger. His passion for his art, his experience and his earned talents have made him Michiana's Fred Astaire. He is respected and admired by his students, past students and community alike.
"I was never a dancer.
In fact, I didn't even like the idea of dancing.
I learned to dance by Dan
and his team and
it changed my life in
so many wonderful ways.
I will dance for the rest of my life.
Thank you, Dan!"
John B. South Bend, Indiana

Live, Love, Dance
The Dan O'Day Dance Club is a ballroom/club-style venue offering expert dance instruction plus a variety of dance programs, memberships and dance opportunities, including competitions and community fundraising events. Located in downtown Mishawaka, Indiana, the beautiful facility is in a vintage, brick, two-story building with a New York-style awning over the entry.

Professional Dance Programs
Dan O'Day Dance Programs consist of a Syllabus of Dancing. This is planned by the instructor based on the student’s ability, the dances he or she wants to learn, the degree of expertise desired, and the time the student is able to devote to learning and practicing.

Dan O'Day
Michiana's Best Dance Instructors

Left to right- Dan O'Day, Jan Efferty, Jena and Jim Dahlgren, Debbie and Mike Anderson
Professional Dance Instruction
Five professional, in-house, dance instructors who have over 150 years of combined teaching experience. These polished teachers offer lessons in both American and International dance styles.
"Dancing has become
the single most important
thing that I do.
It has given me self-confidence,
kept me active and healthy
and in great shape.
Dan O'Day and his team
are lifesavers!"
Becca C. Niles, Michigan


Variety Club:
A great membership that includes a dancing program designed to quickly develop the average learner into a comfortable dancer who will be confident with fast, medium and slow music, with a variety of dances.

Awards Club:
This popular membership includes an advanced social dance program and enough dancing events to satisfy any appetite. An awards dancer has complete confidence, styling and expression on the floor, coping with any dance occasion with assurance.

Private Lessons:
A single person or couple with one instructor working with you at your own speed. You will study a dance or dances of your choice.

Group Classes:
A great supplement to your private instruction and we supply them in abundance. Any member can reduce their learning time by half through diligently attending class. They consist of a group of singles or couples with one instructor.

"I used to sit back and
watch people dance,
wishing I had the courage and ability.
Last year my wife talked me into
taking a few lessons at
the Dan O'Day Dance Club.
To my surprise, I was dancing
within the first week...
I mean, seriously dancing!
Today, I dance whenever I can.
I love it! I owe it all to
my wonderful wife
and the amazing
Dan O'Day Dance Team!"
Steven S. Elkhart, Indiana

The Dance Club
The Dan O'Day Dance Club is Michiana's largest and best ballroom studio. With two ballroom floors totaling over 5,000 square feet of dance space, it is clear to see that this area is absolutely devoted to teaching people to dance and providing a beautiful venue for enjoyment.

Club Nights - Practice Parties
Developing confidence is one of the prime factors at Dan O'Day's and this party format is designed to get people dancing with a variety of partners, using all they have learned. Parties are the "fun" part of the learning process and supply the battle conditions that are essential to becoming an expert.

Dance With The Best!
The Dan O'Day Dance Club provides students with the knowledge and the logistics to dance hand in hand with the Best of the Best.
As a club, Dan O'Day has even beginner students dancing with the very Best Dance Instructors which gives them a better foundation from the start.
By the time they are finished... all they have to do is dance!