A Helpful Article That Explains Why Diets Fail... and What You Can Do To Help Yours Be Succesful


This article is for informational purposes only.
For medical advice, you should always consult a doctor, dietician, or other medical specialist.


We all know that Dieting is difficult. You're already thinking that you're doomed to fail even before you start. Ahh, there lies part of the problem. Let's take a look at that mental positioning, as well as some of the other reasons diets fail.

The Psychological Factors: 


#1 Developing The Right Mindset
You have to first believe you can lose weight and that you can learn to make food work in your favor. You must realize that millions of people in this country have lost the weight they wanted to, without suffering and without sacrificing. However, they had to start with the right mindset. If you don't believe it, you won't achieve it. One of the biggest reasons why diets fail is a lack of developing the right mindset. That is undeniably step #1.


#2 Have a Legitimate Reason (MOTIVATION)
If you don't have a reason that is honest or legitimate, it just isn't going to happen. For many people, that reason is to "Look Better." There is nothing wrong with that; in fact, it can be a great motivator for many of us.

An even better motivation is to "feel Better." When you feel better, everything changes. 

And what should be the Best Motivation is to Live a Healthier Life and Live Longer. The fact is when you are eating right, exercising, and staying somewhat active, the chances are in your favor of living a healthier, higher quality, and longer life.

If you don't have any motivation, chances are great that your diet will fail.


#3 Lack of Willpower
Many people believe that they do not have the willpower to maintain a diet that is sustainable over time. This, of course, will cause you to lose interest in your motivation, and then boom, your diet has failed. However, there are a couple of things that might help you not have to rely on just willpower. In fact, two things that will help you replace your willpower are 1) a good plan and 2) habitual patterns of repetition (or forming the right habits)


#4 Obsessing Over Food or Using Food As An Emotional Crutch
Focusing too much on food leads to cravings and typically cravings for the wrong types of foods. Eating just to cope with stress or challenges leads to exactly why diets fail... SABOTAGE! Again, once a good plan is in place and good habits are formed, you'll be amazed at how your cravings for the wrong foods go away, and you start craving good foods, the kind that are healthier and keep you on track. You will soon not eat for emotional support but might replace those negative feelings with a brisk walk, some yoga, simple exercises, or activities that keep you mentally healthy and, of course, happy.

Why Diets Fail
The Physiological Factors: 


#1 Calorie Restriction
Restricting calories often leads to a slower metabolism, which can lead to an increase in hunger, which leads to abandoning your diet and eventually giving up altogether. However, once good habits set in, your body doesn't feel like your starving it. In fact, you find yourself getting full faster on fewer calories. 


#2 Hormonal Changes
Some doctors believe that dieting can trigger hormonal changes that make it harder to burn fat and increase cravings. Most doctors agree that once your mind settles in, your body will follow. 


#3 Genetics
Some doctors also believe that many people are genetically predisposed to weight gain or have a slower metabolism. Some professionals don't agree with that. Rather than argue one side or another, it's a fact that many obese people come from families that are obese. And many of them have developed the right mindset, put a good plan in place, and stayed with it until their new habits became their new way of life... inevitably leading to a healthy lifestyle, the right weight, and a healthier body. 

Why Diets Fail
The Behavioral Factors: 


#1 Poor Planning
Great Dieting starts with a great plan. Believe it or not, you don't need a lifelong plan because if you have a plan that lasts long enough to turn your diet into a habit, it will be automatic. Your initial plan, however, will be key to getting your great habits started.


#2 Unrealistic Expectations
Part of your plan needs to be setting realistic goals. Take your time. Stick with it. Take Baby Steps. Soon, your plan will come to fruition. If your expectations are unrealistic, your plan will fail, and your diet will fail right along with it. 


#3 A Bad Support System
Let's face it: here you are with your plan. The right attitude/mindset. The right motivation. You've got your willpower all fired up, and out of nowhere, someone in your family opens the chips. They wash them down with a couple of sodas or beers as they're ordering a couple of extra-large pizzas.

This is going to be the toughest part of the journey for many of you: this is a reasonable understanding of why diets fail for so many people. This is where you have to be ultra-prepared and ultra-stubborn at first. Again, this all gets easier and easier as the right habits are formed. You simply need to get to that point. After that, it's automatic.

Why Diets Fail
The Environmental Factors: 

#1 Unhealthy Foods Are Everywhere and They Are Convenient To Get
The modern food environment makes it easy to access high-calorie, processed foods. Fast food is on virtually every street corner of America. Food can be delivered to your home without getting out of your pajamas. However, the fact is that this short-term convenience is killing us. It takes a focused effort and a good plan to get on the right track. After that, good habits will take over, and life is easy... and healthy!


#2 Social Pressure
Game day, celebrations, parties... just going out for a couple of beers. Life as we know it has made it more difficult to avoid bad food, which, in turn, is one of the reasons why diets fail. Avoiding some of these situations could be helpful, but realistically, you don't want to give up all social interaction and activities. It's better to work at developing your eating habits so that you can enjoy family and friends while at the same time not having cravings to eat an entire pizza yourself and then wash it down with a couple of gallons of cola.

Other Factors:

There can be other factors that can cause diets to fail or that can lead to weight gain. However, these factors do not prevent you from eating healthy. 

#1 Various Medical Conditions and Medications
There are various medical conditions that can interfere with weight loss. However, those conditions rarely cause you to eat unhealthy foods instead of healthy alternatives. There are also a variety of medications that can increase appetite or slow metabolism. Again, if you are on those meds, reach for fruit or veggies instead of candy bars and a Whopper. 

It's important to note that not all diets are created equal, and some may be more successful than others. However, understanding the common reasons why diets fail can help individuals develop more realistic expectations and improve their chances of long-term success. 


#1 You Must BELIEVE That YOU Too Can Develop A Healthy Diet
It starts with developing a mindset and a belief that you can be successful in dieting (just like millions of others have) until your diet goes from a verb to a noun. Remember, going on a diet is an action that someone takes; having a good, healthy diet is a way of life.


#2 EDUCATE Yourself Regarding FOOD 
Learn about Carbs, Proteins, and Fats (remember there are very good fats as well as bad fats. Don't make it a college course; overall, it's not that difficult. Read and understand labels. STAY AWAY FROM PROCESSED FOODS. Don't trust all of the advertisements. The best thing to remember is to focus on vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, fish, and lean meats. Healthy food actually tastes much better than unhealthy food.  It's all a matter of educating yourself.

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#3 Make A Plan 
After you educate yourself, make a written plan. Include a large selection of meals and find healthy, delicious recipes. Give yourself flexibility, even a day or two of "Cheating" where you can eat most anything, just don't get crazy. Write your plan out, and stick with it. If you get off track, don't quit; just pick up where you left off.


#4 Stay Active 
That doesn't mean you have to spend 3 hours a day, 7 days a week in the gym. It doesn't mean that you have to run 15 miles a day or take advanced aerobic classes. It means get off the couch, put your phone down, and quit scrolling for a while. Clean around the house, do some things around the yard, take a 15 - 20 minute walk. No big deal. Stretch for a while, do a few jumping jacks to other simple exercises if you can't go full-blown crazy. Just stay active. 


#5 Stick With Your Plan Until It Becomes A Habit 
If you discipline your actions, remove temptation, have a good mindset, and remind yourself of the benefits derived from your motivation, eventually, your diet (verb) will become your diet (noun), your new way of life!


#6 Celebrate The New You! 
You deserve it!


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