Is There Really A Difference?

When It Comes To Catering, The Difference Between Cheap and Affordable Can Save Your Goose!


Everyone likes to save money, however, no one wants their affair to turn in to a disaster... particularly when it comes to the food. So when planning any type of event that includes catering you really should review these 5 considerations.

1. The type of event are you planning: a wedding catering, a corporate event catering, a catered business luncheon, a catered family reunion; or other private catered event.2. How formal (or informal) will your affair be?3. Have you established a budget?4. The style of catering that will best suit your affair: a sit-down Plated Meal, a Catered Butler Passing, a Self-Serve Buffet Catering, Catering Stations, Action Stations; or another catering style.5. How much time do you have to coordinate the event?6. Does it make more sense to hire a professional catering service or self-cater?

Once you have sound answers to these considerations you will find it much easier to make a decision on choosing a caterer. especially once you understand the differences between Cheap Catering and Affordable Catering.

Our customer service folks have arranged hundreds of events over the years, everything from outdoor picnics for a dozen folks to formal parties with a couple of thousand guests. If there is one thing we've learned is anything that can go wrong most likely will. So as we say, "When planning an event be ready for anything and everything."

Self-Catered or Hired Catering?

One of the areas that is always a point of concern is the food and beverages. We almost always utilize the services of professional catering companies. While we realize it may (or may not) cost us more than preparing and serving the food ourselves, it most often makes sense to have a professional cater so we can concentrate on other significant aspects that we cannot outsource such as customer service, keeping the event flowing properly, putting out fires that may come along (and that almost always do); and ensuring everyone has a memorable and positive experience.

We have successfully handled food and beverages ourselves, however we have found over the years, in most cases we can have it handled by a good catering company for at (or near) the same that it would cost us to do it ourselves. Therefore we have almost exclusively decided to hire the right caterer to assist us. Typically we spend less time (and/or money) and our events come off better.

Cheap Caterers Versus Affordable Caterers- the Big Difference!

Now comes the big question; do you hire a cheap caterer or an affordable caterer, while it may sound trite, if you don't already know the answer, you need to understand the difference quickly. Here is what years of experience putting on a myriad of events, affairs and celebrations has taught us about hiring a cheap caterer:

1. Often the food is of lesser quality than an affordable caterer

2. The food is not prepared properly (hot food is not hot, cold food is room temperature and sometimes food is under or over cooked

3. Often "Cheap Caterers" do not deliver enough food and this is the kiss of death at events where the guests have attended with the understanding that they will be eating. We say this is the #1 Biggest Mistake at any event where food is served- There is not enough for everyone

Always ensure that not only is the food acceptable to the palate and that it is prepared properly but also that there is plenty and that you do not run out

How Are Some Caterers More Affordable Without Cutting Corners or Sacrificing Quality/Quantity?

So what makes Affordable Catering different? Simple. Caterers that are affordable or have competitive pricing typically have a very clear understanding of your budget. Next they have a clear understanding of their own pricing structures and margins. They have a handle on costs in general and on how much business they can take on in any given period of time.

If a caterer has quoted a gig and later finds out they are going to lose money on it they will typically look for ways to cut corners which means less food or lower quality food... or both. Unfortunately you often become the recipient of their lack of business sense. Cheap Caterers also seem to get behind, usually because they are trying to figure out ways to make up for the money they've under bid on your job, so they overbook and can't deliver on time... and in rare cases don't deliver at all, SURPRISE! Finally Cheap Caterers will often be forced to pay their help less and that often equates to poor quality help. One more thing you don't need.

So when you're in charge of finding a caterer for your next event, regardless of what it is, make sure if you're on a tight budget to find an affordable caterer and not just a cheap caterer.




For assistance on finding an Affordable Caterer for your next event call ZZZippy Helpline.

A ZZZippy Concierge will be happy to assist you... and our service is always 100% FREE